Legal warning

In accordance with Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that this website is owned by Natural Bicycle Tours, SL, (hereinafter “THE OWNER”).


The contents of this site, including the texts, images and graphic designs, belong to THE OWNER, or to third parties who have authorized their use. THE OWNER presents these contents for information and promotion purposes. THE OWNER authorizes its use exclusively for these purposes. Any use of these designs, images or texts must expressly cite their membership in THE OWNER, who reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal action to repair the damage caused by any act that violates their intellectual property rights. · School or industrial.


THE OWNER acts with the utmost diligence so that the data and information it offers on its website is updated at all times, although it does not guarantee or take responsibility for the accuracy and updating of the contents of the website, reserving the right to modify this content at any time. THE OWNER will also not be responsible for the information that can be obtained through links included in the website. The commercial relations with the clients will be governed by the general conditions that, in their case, are established by THE OWNER in a specific document for this purpose, or by the concrete pacts that can be agreed with the clients.


Use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms of this legal notice. Any disputes relating to this website will be governed exclusively by the law of the Spanish State. Everyone who uses the website, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which it is accessed, accepts compliance with and respects these clauses with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may apply.

Privacy policy

THE OWNER undertakes to protect the privacy of users who access this website and / or any of its services. The use of the website and / or any of the services offered by THE OWNER, implies the acceptance by the user of the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy and that their personal data are treated as stipulated therein. . Please note that although there may be links from our website to other websites, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the websites of other companies or organizations to which the website is redirected. THE OWNER does not control the content of third party websites or accept any responsibility for the content or privacy policies of these websites. Information on data processing (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and LO 3/2018)

  • Responsable del tractament: EL TITULAR. Les nostres dades figuren a l’avís legal d’aquest web.
  • Finalitat del tractament: Oferir i gestionar els nostres productes i/o serveis.
  • Legitimació: Consentiment obtingut de l’interessat. Execució del contracte de serveis.
  • Destinataris: Les dades no seran comunicades a tercers, llevat que ho exigeixi una llei o sigui necessari per complir amb la finalitat del tractament.
  • Drets de les persones: Els interessats tenen dret a exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, limitació de tractament, supressió, portabilitat i oposició, enviant la seva sol·licitud a la nostra l’adreça.
  • Termini de conservació de les dades: Mentre es mantingui la relació comercial o durant els anys necessaris per complir amb les obligacions legals.
  • Reclamació: Els interessats es poden dirigir a l’AEPD per presentar la reclamació que consideri oportuna. Informació addicional: Pot consultar la informació addicional i detallada a continuació a les “Qüestions sobre privacitat”.

Privacy issues

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of rights (LOPDGDD), we offer you the following information about the processing of your personal data: Who is responsible for the processing of your data? THE OWNER. Our data is included in the legal notice of this website. For what purpose do we process your personal data? We process the information provided to us to provide and bill our services and products. If you give us your consent we may also process your data to send you information about our activities, services and products. If you participate in any of our draws and / or contests we will publish your name and surname, and your image, in the different spaces and media and dissemination that we use, including social networks, in order to promote our activities, services and products. How long will we keep your data? The personal data provided will be kept for as long as you are a user of our services or want to receive information, and if you participate in a promotion while it is active, and then during the deadlines set to comply with our legal obligations. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data? The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consents you give us. With regard to the information sent to us by children under 16, it will be understood that it has been with the consent of their legal representatives. If this is not the case, the minor’s legal representative must notify us as soon as he or she becomes aware of it. To which recipients will your data be communicated? The data will not be communicated to third parties, unless required by law or necessary to comply with the purpose of processing. What are your rights when you provide us with your data? Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing their personal data. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary. for the purposes for which they were collected. In certain circumstances, the interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. Also, in certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. In this case we will stop dealing with them, except for compelling legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims. Stakeholders are also entitled to the portability of their data. Finally, the interested parties have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Control Authority. How can you exercise your rights? By sending us a letter enclosing a copy of a document that identifies you, to our physical address or email. How did we get your data? The personal data we process comes from the interested party, who guarantees that the personal data provided is true and is responsible for communicating any changes. Data marked with an asterisk are required in order to provide the requested service. What data do we process? The categories of data we can process are: Identifying data. Postal or electronic addresses. Other data requested in our forms. The data is limited, as we only process the data necessary for the provision of our services and the management of our activity. Do we use cookies? We use cookies while browsing our website with the informed consent of the user. The user can configure their browser to warn them of the use of cookies and to prevent their use. For more information visit our cookies policy. What security measures do we apply? We apply the security measures established in article 32 of the RGPD, therefore we have adopted the necessary security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of the data processing we perform, with mechanisms that allow us to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability and permanent resilience of treatment systems and services. Some of these measures are: Information on data processing policies to staff. Perform periodic backups. Data access control. Regular verification, evaluation and assessment processes.

Cookies policy

Cookie policy